Sapi Shorthorn. Di peternakan tempat saya menghabiskan 4 minggu selama periode natal dan tahun baru mereka telah mengubah bibit campuran mereka menjadi sapi Luing x shorthorn yang digabungkan dengan campuran Limousin (untuk sapi dara) sapi jantan Simmental dan Charolais Penyapihan yang dihasilkan sangat baik dan sapi mampu hamil (98%) saat masih menyusui.

Embryos Paintearth Shorthorns sapi shorthorn
Embryos Paintearth Shorthorns from

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Kumpulan Judul Contoh Skripsi Pertanian – Contoh Skripsi

The Sussex is a British breed of red beef cattle from the Weald of Sussex Surrey and Kent in southeastern EnglandIts traditional use as a draught ox on the Weald continued into the twentieth century From the late nineteenth century it began to be selectively bred for beef production It has been exported to many countries of the world the largest population is in.

Sussex cattle Wikipedia

The Galloway is one of the world’s longest established breeds of beef cattle named after the Galloway region of Scotland where it originated during the 17th century It is found in many parts of the world being exported to Canada in 1853 the US in 1882 and Australia in 1951 The breed enjoyed success during the 1950s but this subsided during the foot and mouth crisis.

Embryos Paintearth Shorthorns

Galloway cattle Wikipedia

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Laporan Pasar : Industri Daging Sapi Asia Tenggara

dampak transportasi terhadap penyusutan bobot badan ph daging pasca potong dan analisis biaya transportasi sapi potong peranakan ongole (po) dan shorthorn 07 dampak virus ikan terhadap keadaan sosial ekonomi petani ikan mas di danau toba (studi kasus kelurahan haranggaol kecamatan haranggaol horisan) 06.