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CharacteristicsUseCulturePreventionClimateResultsCultivationToxicityThe Philodendron genus contains some of the most beautiful foliage plants in the plant kingdom Their glossy leaves add a touch of indoor jungle to your home reminiscent of the tropical areas of the Americas to which they are native For indoor use there are two basic types of philodendrons the climbing varieties and the selfheading (nonclimbing) types The climbing varieties are often used in hanging baskets or trained along a trellis The nonclimbing ones provide excellent upright foliage plants in pots on the floor or table Often they are valued for their ability to clean the air in your home In the wild some of these plants can grow into massive treeswallowing specimens but indoors they aren't nearly so vigorous Newer hybrids have been bred that mix the vigor and ease of the hanging varieties with the convenience of the selfheading varieties Philodendrons like rich loose potting media that will drain well but is still high in organic matter They can grow in 100 percent sphagnum peat moss Keep in mind that the philodendron like many indoor plants originates in tropical regions It will grow best if you can simulate that environment Provide plenty of warmth bright light and moisture These plants are not prone to insect attack and they are generally vigorous growers Feed them generously during the growing season The climbing varieties also make excellent hanging or trailing plants Use a moss stick or other support for the climbing types P scandens or sweetheart plant is one of the most dependable and toughest of all houseplants Of all the philodendrons it will survive best indoors The varieties with velvety leaves are less tolerant of bright light and need higher humidity and warmth Use the newer selfheading hybrids if you want to avoid climbing plants Provide dappled bright light mimicking what is found under a tropical canopy Philodendrons can be acclimated to nearly direct sunlight in the right conditions but they thrive in light shade If you notice many of the leaves turning yellow at the same time it can indicate you are giving the plant too much direct light If you notice it is getting leggy it may need more light Keep the growing medium moist at all times Push aerial roots into the soil on climbing varieties Keeping the plants moist during winter when indoor air can get very dry can be a challenge You will need to avoid overwatering or you can get root rot If the leaves are drooping it could indicate either too much water or not enough Their temperature range is variable but no philodendron likes going below about 55 degrees Fahrenheit for long They like humidity so you might maintain the humidity around them with a pebble tray of water Mist them frequently during the growing season about every two days During the winter you should mist them every three to four days Philodendrons will produce larger leaves and be healthier if you fertilize them regularly Use slowrelease pellets at the beginning of the growing season or weekly liquid fertilizer During the winter you only need to fertilize about once per month Some of the philodendron varieties are extremely fastgrowers especially the climbers Pinch off the new growth to keep the plant manageable and repot them annually as they outgrow their pots Climbing philodendrons are easy to propagate from stem cuttings placed in a glass of water Rooting hormone will increase the chances of success but is usually not necessary Once a good network of roots has become established in water pot up the new specimen Selfheading philodendrons sometimes send out plantlets that can be potted up once they gain some size Philodendrons rarely flower indoors so gathering seeds and planting them is not an option Philodendron leaves and stems are high in calcium oxalate which can be toxic to both humans and pets when eaten The crystals are irritating to the mouth and the gastrointestinal tract Cats and dogs may exhibit drooling vomiting and decreased appetite Humans can have burning of the mouth and throat nausea vomiting diarrhea and swelling or blistering of the mouth and tongue Seek immediate medical or veterinary help Botanical Name Philodendron sppVideo Duration 4 minCommon Name Philodendron.
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