Mineral Mika. Mica is a naturally occurring element It is optically flat translucent elastic in nature Its composition is silicate aluminium potassium manganese water and iron It contains the highest amount of silica and so is the most preferred mineral in industries and in other personal applications Let’s see some other uses of mica in various ways.
Mica is a shiny flaky mineral The name for the mineral is understood to be derived from the Latin word micare referring to its glittering appearance Mica is among the minerals that tend to retain a sheen and glimmer in direct light.
Mika Science and Geology
Mineral mika terbentuk dari pembekuan magma yang mengalami kristalisasi pada suhu yang intermediet atau 1000 o C sehingga tebentuk pada batuan beku ketika terkumpul atau terakumulasi setelah menjadi materi sedimen akan berada pada batuan sedimen dan pada batuan metamorf dapat ditemukan karena mineral ini tahan terhadap proses metamorfosanya sehingga dapat ditemukan di batuan metamorf.
Mica Minerals Education Coalition
DescriptionRelation to MiningUsesMica is a mineral name given to a group of minerals that are physically and chemically similar They are all silicate minerals known as sheet silicates because they form in distinct layers Micas are fairly light and relatively soft and the sheets and flakes of mica are flexible Mica is heatresistant and does not conduct electricity There are 37 different mica minerals The most common include purple lepidolite black biotite brown phlogopite and clear muscovite IMAR 7thEdition The mica industry can be divided into two distinct but interdependent industries those that produce sheet mica and those that produce flake mica Each industry although somewhat dependent on the other produces different end products Sheet Mica Mining Sheet mica is recovered by either sinking a shaft along the strike and dip of a pegmatite or by openpit surface mining of semihard pegmatite ore In either case it is a very economically risky mining procedure because of the cost involved in locating the vein and the unpredictability of the quality and quantity of the mica that might be recovered once the vein is located and worked In underground mining the main shaft is driven through the pegmatite at suitable angles to the dip and strike using air drills hoists and explosives Crosscuts and raises are developed to follow promising exposures of mica When a pocket of mica is found extreme care is exercised in the removal to minimize damage to the crystals The principal use of ground mica is in gypsum wallboard joint compound where it acts as a filler and extender provides a smoother consistency improves workability and prevents cracking In the paint industry ground mica is used as a pigment extender that also facilitates suspension due to its light weight and platy morphology The ground mica also reduces checking and chalking prevents shrinkage and shearing of the paint film provides increased resistance to water penetration and weathering and brightens the tone of colored pigments Ground mica also is used in the welldrilling industry as an additive to drilling “muds” The plastic industry used ground mica as an extender and filler and also as a reinforcing agent The rubber industry uses ground mica as an inert filler and as a mold lubricant in the manufacture of molded rubber products including tires Sheet mica is used principally in the electronic and electrical industries The major uses of sheet and block mica are.
Mica Wikipedia
Mica is used in decorative coatings on wallpaper concrete stucco and tile surfaces It also is used as an ingredient in flux coatings on welding rods in some special greases and as coatings for core and mold release compounds facing agents and mold washes in foundry applications Cleavage Almost perfectCategory Fracture flaky.
Caswellite Mineral Information Data And Localities
What is Mica? How is Mica Formed? What is it is Used For and
Mica Group Minerals Properties, Uses, Formation and Occurrence
What is Mica? (with pictures) All Things Nature
Uses of mica Uses of mica mineral, mica sheet and various
Mica which is essentially a compound of silicate minerals is comprised of closely related materials that have perfect basal cleavage They are monoclinic with a tendency of pseudohexagonal crystals having similar chemical composition They belong to the category of principal rockforming minerals and are found in various categories like sedimentary igneous and metamorphic.