Lateral Move Irrigation Definition. Seymour fractures require surgical irrigation and release of the nail plate to allow fracture reduction If surgery is not performed growth arrest infection and deformity are highly likely ( 30 ) Radiologists must have a high level of suspicion when this injury pattern is seen and should closely scrutinize lateral images of the finger to address the possibility of this injury.

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Traumatic Finger Injuries: What the Orthopedic Surgeon
Subsidence is a general term for downward vertical movement of the Earth’s surface which can be caused by both natural processes and human activities Subsidence involves little or no horizontal movement which distinguishes it from slope movement Processes that lead to subsidence include dissolution of underlying carbonate rock by groundwater gradual.
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Subsidence Wikipedia
StrokeandDistance Relief, Ball Lost or Out of Bounds
View Definition Index Stroke The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball But a stroke has not been made if the player Decides during the downswing not to strike the ball and avoids doing so by deliberately stopping the clubhead before it reaches the ball or if unable to stop by deliberately missing the ball Accidentally strikes the ball when making a practice.