Jurnal Algoritma. Sejarah algoritma Kata algoritma berasal dari latinisasi nama seorang ahli matematika dari Uzbekistan Al Khawārizmi (hidup sekitar abad ke9) sebagaimana tercantum pada terjemahan karyanya dalam bahasa latin dari abad ke12 “Algorithmi de numero Indorum”.
A Budiman A Mulyani Jurnal Algoritma 13 (2) 374378 2016 50 2016 Indonesia’s issues and challenges on quality improvement of mathematics and science education S Hendayana A Supriatna H Imansyah Journal of International Cooperation in Education 4 (2) 4151 2010.
ALGORITMA Journal of Mathematics Education (AJME) is a peerreviewed openaccess journal which has been established in the field of mathematics education This journal is published by Faculty of Educational Sciences Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in partnership with Indonesian Mathematics Educators Society (IMES.
Saniman dan Muhammad Fathoni Pengantar Algoritma dan Jurnal SAINTIKOM Vol 4/ No 1/ Januari 2008 128 Tipe Nama Tipe Ranah Nilai Tetapan Operasi Bilangan Logika boolean True atau False True dan False not and or xor 1byte 0255 2shortInt 128.
ALGORITMA: Journal of Mathematics Education
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