Am Y Pm. AM y PM son dos siglas de origen latín “Ante Meridiem” en español significa “antes del mediodía” y “Post Meridiem” que traducido al español es “después del mediodía” Ambas siglas son utilizadas para referirse a cada uno de los períodos de 12 horas en que está dividido el día.

Que Significan Y De Donde Provienen Las Siglas Am Y Pm Youtube am y pm
Que Significan Y De Donde Provienen Las Siglas Am Y Pm Youtube from

Hay dos maneras de leer la hora en nuestro idioma y en inglés podemos leer las 24 horas del día seguidas y decir por ejemplo son las 1400 hrs o podemos (como es más habitual) dividir el día en dos periodos de modo que haya 12 horas seguidas por “amy 12 por “pm“.

AM and PM: What Do They Mean?

What Do These Terms Mean?Capitalization of Am and PMPunctuation of Am and PMSpacing Am and PMWhat Do Style Guides recommend?“AM” and “PM” are both abbreviations of Latin terms and refer to a specific time of day 1 AM (ante meridiem) means “before noon” so it refers to the morning 2 PM (post meridiem) means “after noon” so it refers to any time after midday When using a 12hour clock then these terms clarify the time we have in mind (eg 12 AM is midnight whereas 12 PM is midday) This is not necessary when using a 24hour clock There are however a few options for howyou write these terms as we will explore below You may have noticed that we write “AM” and “PM” with capital letters in this post For instance The performances today will be at 11 AM and 3 PM But that is not the only legitimate option! You can also write them with lowercase letters The performances today will be at 11 am and 3 pm Or you can write them with small caps All are acceptable ways of writing these terms so ultimately it comes down to preference or your client’s chosen style guide Another variation is adding periods between each letter in these terms For instance The meeting ended at 11 am Did you see the 500 pm bulletin? This is common when using lowercase letters although some also add punctuation when using small caps It would be unusual to punctuate these terms when using standard capital letters though Finally keep in mind that you do not need an extra periodafter the abbreviation when punctuating a time like this at the end of a sentence The final variation you will see with these terms is whether to add a space between the time and AM/PM In the examples so far we have added this space as it is more common to do so However when using the unpunctuatedforms of these terms you can close the gap This does not apply when using the punctuated forms so take care not to mix up these styles Spaced and Unpunctuated I have a class at 2 PM today ✓ Unspaced and Unpunctuated I have a class at 2PM today ✓ Spaced and Punctuated You need to be there by 900 am ✓ Unspaced and Punctuated You need to be there by 900am ✗ As with the other options here the space before AM and PM is largely a matter of preference As you can see there are many options available when writing these terms And as a proofreader your main priority will be to ensure your client uses a consistent style However if your client is using a style guide too you can check it for advice Some wellknown style guides suggest the following To learn more about proofreading for style give our Becoming A Proofreadercourse a try.

¿Qué quiere decir a.m. y p.m. en inglés?

Con “a m” y “p m” se quiere decir “ante meridiem” (antes del mediodía) y “post meridiem” (después del mediodía) La forma correcta de escribir estas abreviaturas es empleando las iniciales en minúscula de cada palabra con punto después de cada una y un espacio después del punto Para indicar el mediodía se emplea.

Writing the Time: AM and PM or a.m. and p.m.? Proofreading

Well according to the Chicago Manual of Style and the AP Style (some of the most prominent style guides out there y’all) the most common way to write these terms are the lowercase “am” and “pm” (with periods).

Que Significan Y De Donde Provienen Las Siglas Am Y Pm Youtube

Significado de PM y AM (Qué son, Concepto y Definición

For? And “p.m.” Stand What Do “a.m.”

correcta de escribir a.m. y p.m Gramática: la forma

Two 12Hour PeriodsMidnight and Noon Am Or Pm?Midnight ConfusionConverting 12Hour to 24Hour FormatWhere Is The 12Hour Format used?Why Does The Day Have 24 hours?The 12hour system divides the 24 hours of a day into two periods lasting 12 hours each The first 12hour period is designated as am It runs from midnight to noon The second period marked pm covers the 12 hours from noon to midnight The abbreviations am and pm derive from Latin 1 AM = Ante meridiem Before noon 2 PM = Post meridiem After noon Using numbers from 1 to 12 followed by am or pm the 12hour clock system identifies all 24 hours of the day For example 5 am is early in the morning and 5 pm is late in the afternoon 1 am is one hour after midnight while 11 pm is one hour before midnight Ante meridiem is commonly denoted as AM am am or AM post meridiem is usually abbreviated PM pm pm or PM Like many other sources timeanddatecom uses am and pm but the other variants are equally correct and widely used What is solar noon? The main weakness of the 12hour system is a widespread confusion about which abbreviation should be used for noon and midnight neither moment can logically be identified as before noon (am) or after noon (pm) For example the moment of midnight occurs precisely 12 hours after noon on the previous day and 12 hours before noon on the following day However most digital clocks and most sources including timeanddatecom designate midnight as 12 am and noon as 12 pm Although the precise moment of noon falls in neither category the hour succeeding it from 120001 to 125959 is clearly afternoon To avoid any confusion when referring to the precise moment of noon or midnight we recommend using the designations 12 noon and 12 midnight instead Another source of confusion is the lack of a date designator in the 12hour system making it impossible to logically identify a correct moment in time when only a date and 1200 am (midnight) is provided Imagine being asked to pick up a friend at the airport at 1200 am on April 13 Would you go there at midnight between April 12 and April 13? Or 24 hours later? One way to overcome this problem is to sacrifice accuracy for clarity Your friend could ask you to be at the airport at 1201 am on April 13 or if the following midnight is meant at 1159 pm on April 13 Alternatively the 24hour format could be used Here 000 refers to midnight at the beginning of the day while 2400 is midnight at the end of the day A 24hour clock sometimes referred to as military time states the time according to the number of hours that have passed since midnight Starting at midnight hours are numbered from 0 to 24 removing the need for designations like am and pm For example at 2300 23 hours have passed since the beginning of the current day To convert am or pm time to the 24hour format use these rules 1 From midnight to 1259 am subtract 12 hours 1249 am = 049 (1249 – 12) 2 From 1 am to noon do nothing 1149 am = 1149 3 From 1201 pm to 1259 pm do nothing 1249 pm = 1249 4 From 100 pm to midnight add 12 hours 149 pm = 1349 (149 + 12) Here&#39s how to convert time on a 24hour clock to the 12hour system 1 From 000 (midnight) to 059 add 12 hours and use am 049 = 1249 am (049 + 12) 2 From 100 to 1159 just add am after the time 1149 = 1149 am 3 From 1200 to 1259 just add pm after the time 1249 = 1249 pm 4 From 1300 to 000 subtract 12 hours and use pm Most countries around the world today use the 24hour system However the 12hour format including am and pm is officially used in a number of countries including the United States Canada (except Québec) Australia New Zealand and the Philippines The Egyptians are thought to be responsible for dividing the day into 24 equal parts One account suggests that this custom evolved because the Egyptians commonly used the base 12 counting the 3 joints in their fingers not including the thumb Topics Timekeeping Clocks.